The Plasma Physics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS) grants annually up to four prizes to young scientists from the 38 European countries associated with the EPS in recognition of truly outstanding research achievements associated with their PhD study in the broad field of plasma physics.
2024 Winner:
- Lucas Rovige (Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France) for his thesis “Optimization, stabilization and optical phase control of a high-repetition rate laser-wakefield accelerator“
- Baptiste Frei (École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland) for his thesis “A Gyrokinetic Moment Model of the Plasma Boundary in Fusion Devices“
- Toby Adkins (University of Oxford, UK) for his thesis “Electromagnetic instabilities and plasma turbulence driven by the electron-temperature gradient“
- Mathias Hoppe (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) for his thesis “Runaway-electron model development and validation in tokamaksW
The prize was established by the EPS Plasma Physics Division in 2000 and is awarded for research achievements which have either already shaped the field of plasma physics or have demonstrated the potential to do so in future. To recognize collaborative research, a group of up to three individual scientists may be nominated. It is awarded each year at the EPS Conference on Plasma Physics.
2024 Winner:
- Tünde Fülöp (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
- Per Helander (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Greifswald, Germany)
The Landau-Spitzer Award on the Physics of Plasmas for “Outstanding contributions to plasma physics” is jointly sponsored by the Plasma Physics Divisions of the American Physical Society and the European Physical Society.
The Award is given to an individual or group of researchers for outstanding theoretical, experimental or technical contribution(s) in plasma physics and for advancing the collaboration and unity between Europe and the USA by joint research or research that advances knowledge which benefits the two communities in a unique way. The award may be given to a team or collaboration of up to four persons affiliated with either the European or US institutions.
2024 Winner:
- Anna Grassi (Sorbonne University, France)
- Frederico Fiuza (Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal)
- George F. Swadling (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA)
- Hye-Sook Park (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA)
The EPS Innovation Prize was established in 2008 by the EPS Plasma Physics Division to recognise and promote the wider benefits to society that arise from the applications of plasma physics research. The work recognised in previous years is diverse. Nominations are welcome from all areas of technology, industry, society or more. Recent awards have included applications in medicine and materials processing.
2024 Winner:
- Dr Anthony Murphy (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia)
The international journal Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (PPCF), the European Physical Society (EPS), and the International Union and Applied Physics are proud to jointly sponsor the Student Poster Prize at the EPS Plasma Physics Conference. The competition, only open to PhD students, is judged by members of the Conference Programme Committee. Up to four prizes are awarded to the winning posters. Here you have the winners of this 50th edition:
- Aridai Bordón Sánchez (Universidad de Las Palmas, Spain) for «Spectroscopic and MHD modelling of strongly magnetized cylindrical implosions at the National Ignition Facility»
- Ida Ekmark (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) for «Fluid and kinetic modeling of runaway electron seed generation during disruptions»
- Julien Herbelot (Aix Marseille University, France) for «Electric field measurements in the presence of magnetic field with the EFILE diagnostic»
- Thershi Siddarth Seebaruth (Sorbonee University, France) for «Simulations and experiments of shocks in weakly collisional plasma»